Friday, June 12, 2015
I recently went on a tourism jaunt in which there were three of us, myself, my friend and an Ipad. Now it is quite possible I am not a great conversationalist but my friend was not shy about using any spare minute to consult the great world out there accessible through the Internet. I was quite jealous of the time not used between us to assess our trip. There is an acronym for my friends fixation, FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out. I have discontinued my Facebook account, have never been on Twitter yet I have this blog and I post to the Internet in several ways. I plan to post a travel assessment on Trip Advisor right after this. However I have to say that the acronym that I subscribe to is JOMO, Joy Of Missing Out, which seems to me a happier approach. My friend basically was never at ease on that trip, always so anxious about being able to get the next fix from a WiFi connection.