Saturday, December 08, 2018
As Brexit proceeds to its ultimate conclusion, will the contentious
“backstop” debate concerning a reinstated hard border between Northern Ireland
and the Republic of Ireland i.e. Britain
and the European Union, be a deal breaker? The "backstop" is an insurance policy to avoid a hard border between the Irelands by keeping the entire United Kingdom in a customs union with the EU for an undefined period of time (Brexiteers would fear eternity). Add to that the status of much
forgotten Gibraltar. Both international borders risk being a
bridge too far for negotiators since the Irish wish to avoid strife reminiscent
of The Troubles whereas Spain wishes to still have full access for 10,000
workers that cross to the British Overseas Territory each work day. In a
symbiotic relationship, Gibraltar is a zone of transition for much commerce, providing
an economic boost to economically depressed Andalusia and a source of notable
trading wealth to Gibraltar’s citizens. There
are again rumblings from the Spanish Government which wishes to gain some share
of political control if not outright sovereignty over the territory it ceded to
Britain in 1713 by the Treaty of Utrecht. In a 2018 trip to Spain I went out of my way to see this strategic
gem at the tip of the Iberian Peninsula which is only a hop and a skip from the
coast of Africa. These views are from the
container port of Algeciras,
Spain, looking
east to The Rock. They were taken during a time constrained break in a bus
journey from Cadiz to Malaga. One photo involved entering a
controlled zone in an area notorious for the transshipment of drugs, so not
without a smidgen of trepidation.
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