Thursday, November 08, 2007

Dish Hair

Lynne and I have been in the Middle Kingdom since Monday Beijing time, Sunday evening in Canada. The 13.5 hour flight out of Toronto was uneventful taking us up north over Resolute Bay, just west of the North Pole, over Siberia and then Mongolia and finally into Beijing from the northwest. I did a slight panic losing my entry card filled out on the plane just seconds before meeting the customs officer, but with no adverse effects. We sat in the row immediately behind colonels from the PLA whom we had hosted at Bethune House just days before. Total coincidence. They have offered to send a car to drive us a round and treat us royally, one we may decline but we shall see. We are going to offer some red maple leafs as a small token, ones that will be symbolic since we gathered them from trees which would have been outside the window of Norman Bethune the day he was born. Our most amusing chinglish so far is "Dish Hair" as a hairdressing option and "fried dork in Chinese sauce" as a culinary delight. We are in chengde to-day escaping the summer heat (name of palace) even though it is a fresh autumn day. Toodles.